Massage Therapy Program – Massage Therapy Training in Springfield Missouri

Massage Therapy Program - Massage Therapy Training in Springfield Missouri

Massage Therapy Training Program in Springfield Missouri

A Gathering Place Massage Therapy School in Springfield Missouri, is certified to operate by the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, offering education for those who desire to become a licensed massage therapist. We also offer Continuing Education for current licensed therapists.

We believe in being the change the world needs. We know that it's through compassion and love that we can meet people's needs to be seen and heard. This is how we show up in each session with our clients, offering quality massage therapy services that work on pain management and creating or sustaining overall balance of mind body wellness.

Create a niche for yourself before you get in the field.

Join one of our Massage Therapy Training Programs in Springfield, Missouri.

Within our Massage Therapy Programs, students can choose Allied Modality classes from five different areas: Medical Massage, Spa Treatments, Structural Bodywork, Eastern/ Energetic Therapies and Specialty Bodywork.

Students may customize their program with the help of the Program Administrator, by choosing a “specialist track” in a specific Allied Modality area of bodywork, or they can complete the general program, taking classes from all five areas.

Carving out a niche before you graduate can help you get a head start on your career. Some students choose to do a Massage Therapy Internship, while others participate in Community Service Projects, each under the supervision of an approved instructor or supervisor. All students also learn savvy business skills, to help them gain a leg up once they are licensed.

We keep our class sizes small so there is more one-on one attention from the instructor. Students complete tests which are multiple choice, just like the MBLEx National Board Exam. In this way, they can build confidence in their test taking skills to get ready for the BIG day for the Exam.

Our instructors are like Coaches. Continually cheering on our students and reminding them “Yes, you can do it!”

It is invigorating to watch our students come alive with the material presented when they begin to believe in themselves and feel the accomplishment of the new skills they have gained.

Our Pass Rate on the MBLEx Board Exam is one of the highest in the Bi-State area with 100% for the first time candidate in the last 7 years, since 2015. We are SO Proud of our Graduates and all they do in their Massage and Bodywork profession.

For more detailed information, contact us for a catalog and a tour of the school.

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